St. Michael’s Primary School, Tallangatta

Courage, Compassion, Community

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 Welcome to St. Michael's Tallangatta

On behalf of the St. Michael's Primary School we welcome you to our website. St. Michael's Primary School is a very proud country school set within the picturesque township of Tallangatta.

St. Michael's is a Catholic Primary School that services Tallangatta and district. At St. Michael's, we teach with heart. Our identity statement speaks to this beautifully, inspiring us all to greatness.

The St. Michael's Catholic Primary School Community follows the Josephite tradition of being a learning and supportive environment that challenges the landscapes of our hearts and minds.

On behalf of the St. Michael's Primary School we welcome you to our website. St. Michael's Primary School is a very proud country school set within the picturesque township of Tallangatta.

St. Michael's is a Catholic Primary School that services Tallangatta and district. We have classes from Foundation to Grade Six that utilise large modern classrooms all fitted with modern furniture to suit a range of learners. Students across the school have the ability to access 1-1 technology in the form of iPads. 

At St. Michael's, we understand the importance of teaching each individual child in our care based on what we learn about them. Each child is different, so we take the time to develop the relationship we need to understand how best to support individual development. We believe that every child can reach their full potential. Through supporting students with academic needs, social emotional support and faith development, we educate the whole child.

St. Michael's Primary School is committed to providing a child safe and child friendly environment, where children and young people are safe and feel safe, are able to actively participate in decisions that affects their lives. St. Michael's is committed to our Child Protection Program, which is made up of work systems, practices, policies and procedures designed to maintain a child safe environment and to embed an organisational culture of child safety within the School community. Our Program deals specifically with child protection issues and is designed to ensure compliance with the Victorian Child Safe Standards and related child protection laws. To see more about our commitment to Child Safety, check the link in our Downloads page.

Appointments can be made at any time for a school tour or for further information. If you would like to know more, please don't hesitate to contact our office on 02 60712386. 

Warm regards,
Mrs. Lisa Hitchcock


St. Michael's Primary School provides a child-safe environment, where all students have the right to be treated with respect and dignity, and will be protected from harm.

The Sandhurst Catholic Education Office and Schools acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which their Offices and Schools are built. We commit to working in partnership with Aboriginal people for reconciliation and justice.